21 June 2013

EAGC 2013!

IFES East Asia and GCF Malaysia is holding a tri-annual conference for graduates/alumni in August 2nd – 6th, 2013 in Bayu Beach Resort,Port Dickson.Malaysia. The EAGC 2013 (East Asia Graduate Conference), is expecting 300-350 graduate and leaders from the region. It is an unique occasion that graduate leaders from more than fifteen member movements gather for five days in order to have fellowship and learning and sharing vision on marketplace ministry. EAGC 2013 with the main speaker Paul Stevens will focus on marketplace ministry again as it is one of most important issues that Christians are facing in workplace. We plan to address the main theme of “Challenging workplace, Challenging Times.”

The conference addresses the issues that graduates face in daily life, whether at work, at home, in society or in the church. As many East Asian graduates face similar problems, this is an opportunity to meet, share, learn, and encourage each other.

Movements within the East Asia region take turns the host the Conference.
In recent years, the EAGC was held in Japan (2001), Indonesia (2004), Korea (2007) and Hong Kong co-host with Macao (2010).

EAGC 2013 will be hosted by the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF) of Malaysia. It will be the third time that GCF Malaysia has hosted the conference and it is a privilege and blessing to organise it again.

The Conference will include :
- 3 Plenary Sessions in the evening by Paul Stevens.
- 4 Morning devotions and SELAH sessions in the evening by Koichi Othawa San
- 2 Workshop sessions in the afternoon by various invited speakers.
- 3 morning sessions which will be divided into 2 groups: Track A and Track B

Track A will be focusing on leadership theme led by Paul Stevens. This session is suitable for GCF movement leaders.

Track B will be led by Theology of Work (TOW). This session is meant for young graduates transitioning to work life.

Sign Up Now!

(Full time workers & graduates below 3 years of working experience can apply for discounted price.)
(Closing date : 30th June 2013)

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