28 September 2009

Ibridge Weekly Captain Ball Games (Sunday)

HELLO to all fellow IBRIDGERS!
We will be having our usual weeekly captain ball game this Sunday @ SS18 Subang Jaya at 5.30 sharp. The pic above is last week's captain ball games. For this week, we anticipate it's going to be FUN FUN FUN, as we welcome the 'newcomers' to join and spice up the games.

For those who are not sure what's captain ball, pls come by to experience this fun-filling game, which some of us hooked week after weeks, as we faithfully come for the games since the past 1 year..

And for those who fear of balls, fear not, as we also have frisbees games and fellowship sessions..

So, what are you waiting for... it s time to dust off ur jogging shoes and start making plans to join us this SUNDAY for the GAMES!

Details are as follows:
Time : 5.30 pm sharp
Venue: SS18 Subang Jaya field (pls refer to attached map)
Things to bring:
  1. sport shoes,
  2. sunny smiles,
  3. waters flask
  4. $$$ for dinner.. (just in case, for dinner or yum cha session post captain ball)
-For more info/weather/location-
Jimmy / Josie / Joyce
016.453.2275 / 012-3650 618 / 014-326 2990

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